

Dany Severac

  • Identifiant: dseverac
  • Email: Dany.Severac@mgx.cnrs.fr
  • Street 1: 141 rue de la cardonille
  • City: Montpellier
  • Zip code: 34094
  • Phone 1: 0000000000
  • Laboratory -exple IGF-: IGF
  • Organism: CNRS
  • Team leader first name: Laurent
  • Team leader last name: Journot
  • EMail 2: laurent.journot@mgx.cnrs.fr
  • Zip code - if different: jpdesvignes
  • Inscrit le: 05 août 2008
  • Dernière connexion: 12 juil. 2024


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Projet Rôles Inscrit le
Documentation MGX Team 07 sept. 2012


17 oct. 2023

11:33 Documentation Small RNA Sequencing Approches and Considerations for miRNA Analysis.pdf
Dany Severac
11:32 Documentation Exploring the expandaing universe of small RNAs.pdf
Dany Severac
11:32 Documentation Action mechanisms and research methods of tRNA-derived small RNAs.pdf
Dany Severac

30 mar. 2023

15:08 Documentation Charte__MGX_v4.pdf
Dany Severac

21 mar. 2022

14:52 Documentation E-EXP-02_sc3_RNAseq-biomol.pdf
Construction de banques Chromium Single Cell 3’RNAseq Dany Severac

02 mar. 2022

16:37 Documentation Nature Biotechnol_Lan_SiC-Seq.pdf
Single Cell Genome sequencing Dany Severac
16:03 Documentation Science_Luo_BSseq.pdf
Single Cell Bisulfite-seq Dany Severac
15:55 Documentation Nat Biotechnol_Rotem_CHIPseq.pdf
Single Cell CHIPseq Dany Severac
15:48 Documentation Nature_Buenrostro_ATACseq.pdf
Single Cell ATACseq Dany Severac
14:04 Documentation Nat Methods_Habib_DroNc-seq.pdf
Single cell RNAseq sur noyaux Dany Severac

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